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Bais Abraham is a unique Orthodox shul, in which Yeshiva-educated Orthodox Jews pray side by side with individuals just beginning to explore tradition. Founded in 1894 and building on its rich history, Bais Abraham is a community that takes davening(prayer) and Torah study seriously, with Torah classes and chavrutah (study partners) learning almost every night of the week. It is a non-judgmental community in which we realize that everyone is at a different place in the development of his or her relationship with God. 

Bais Abraham is a community that is known for its embracing attitude toward all Jews and its social responsibility to all God’s children. Bais Abraham encourages community service in the Jewish and general communities and interdenominational as well as interfaith dialogue and understanding.  

One of our primary mandates as Jews is to connect with the Divine. In order to undertake such a daunting task, we believe, as Orthodox Jews, that God has given the Jewish people the Torah and mitzvot (commandments) as a guide in connecting with God. We should utilize all tools acceptable within the bounds of halacha (Jewish law) in order to traverse the infinite distance between us and God, and to uncover the holy in a seemingly mundane world. To this end, we encourage the women in our community to utilize mitzvot that they feel inclined to perform in pursuit of holiness and a deeper relationship with God.  Our classes are open to both men and women and we are proud to house the St. Louis Women’s Tefillah Group which meets periodically, holds a Simchat Torah Torah-reading service, and affords girls a meaningful venue to celebrate their Bat Mitzvahs.  Women and men alike are encouraged to take leadership roles within our community.

Ours is a community in which children are encouraged to feel at home. Though adults speaking about mundane matters during prayer may be gently silenced, our children are encouraged to to feel at home in the our place of communal prayer.

Bais Abraham is part of the Orthodox and general St. Louis Jewish communities -- it is located within the University City Eruv and is a member of the Vaad Hoeir.  Our members see the Epstein Hebrew Academy and Kadimah High School as primary institutions of religious and secular education. Those members of our community who choose to send their children to secular private or public schools are encouraged to find tutors for their children in Torah study and Hebrew language.

Rabbi Benjamin Greenfield served as rabbi from 2017-2019. Rabbi Hyim Shafner served as rabbi from 2004-2017, following in the footsteps of Rabbi Abraham Magence, zt’l who was the community’s rabbi for over 30 years.    

Bais Abraham is situated in the Delmar Loop area of Saint Louis, a revitalized shopping and entertainment district, surrounded by elegant yet affordable neighborhoods that include homes as well as apartments.  Bais Abraham is a community with open arms. If you are interested in visiting for a Shabbat we would love to host you and give you a taste of our unique community.

Thu, January 23 2025 23 Tevet 5785