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Photo Albums

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  • Our Bais Abe Community

    We love seeing our Bais Abe friends participate in game nights, virtual learning, and projects as we remain physically apart during the Covid-19 pandemic. We can't wait to see everyone in person! Send us your photos at

    (24 photos)
  • 2nd Annual Hoshana Rabba Ruach Jam - 10/19/19

    Thank you to the organizational sponsors - Bais Abe, Kol Rinah, Neve Shalom, and NJOP's Sukkot Across America Initiative!

    (14 photos)
  • Bais Abe Sukkah Building - 10-6-19

    Thank you to our fabulous volunteers of all ages who helped put up (and later take down) the shul sukkah!

    (5 photos)
  • FABA Water Party - 7/28/19

    (17 photos)
  • Lag BaOmer - May 23, 2019

    We had a great time celebrating Lag BaOmer with Torah Mitzion Kollel and with the support of the Israeli American Council!

    (40 photos)
  • BAB(K)A - Baking at Bais Abe!

    The Bais Abe baking club meets once per month to bake delicious goodies for Kiddushes, programs, and holidays!

    (9 photos)
  • Pre-Pesach Israeli Wine Tasting - March 25, 2019

    Barkan and Segal Wine Tasting at the home of Phyllis & Jack Shapiro

    (15 photos)
  • Purim 5779/2019

    Magical Megillah Merry Making and More!

    (47 photos)
  • Minyan Appreciation Brunch - February 3, 2019

    (22 photos)
  • Red Ticket Ice Cream Party - 1-27-19

    We have not only amazing children who participate in programming and singing Anim Zemirot at the end of services, but they are also expert fort builders and ice cream eaters!

    (27 photos)
  • Learning at Bais Abe

    (7 photos)
  • Chag HaBanot 12-6-18

    Women of all ages gathered to celebrate Chanukah together with food, candle lighting, a gift exchange, and Israeli dance!

    (17 photos)
  • Hoshana Rabba Zohar Jam - 9/29/18

    Bais Abraham Congregation, Central Reform Congregation, Kol Rinah, and Neve Shalom came together for a community wide Hoshana Rabba Zohar Jam. We had a mystical musical evening of study in the Bais Abe sukkah with great teachers, music, food, and a bonfire! This program was supported by, and we thank, NJOP's Sukkot Across America Initiative.

    (21 photos)
  • FABA & YABA Summer Fun!

    On Sunday, August 12, 2018 FABA had a water party and BBQ for our community's youngest members, and later in the day YABA had a BBQ for young adults new and old to the St. Louis area!

    (9 photos)
  • Rabbi Marc Gitler - Wednesday, June 27, 2018

    (3 photos)
  • Bais Abe-TMK Farewell Picnic for the Midlers and Bnot Sherut - June 7, 2018

    (8 photos)
  • FABA Water Party - June 3, 2018

    (16 photos)
  • Dr. Avivah Zornberg - May 8, 2018

    It was an evening of thought-provoking ideas and conversation when Bais Abe hosted Dr. Avivah Zornberg during her visit to St. Louis.

    (6 photos)
  • Lag Ba'Omer 2018 - May 2, 2018

    We had a wonderful time celebrating Lag Ba'Omer and the upsherin (third birthday and first haircut) of Amichai Goldenberg!

    (34 photos)
  • Shelanu 2017-18

    (80 photos)
(39 Albums)2 Next >> 
Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785