Shabbat Candle Lighting – 7:04 pm Shabbat Ends – 8:02 pm According to
Shabbat Parshat Shoftim
Kabbalat Shabbat - 7:00 pm Shabbat Morning Services followed by Kiddush – 9:00 am Kiddush is sponsored anonymously this week in honor of Dan Vianello's birthday Mincha, Seudah Shelishit, and Maariv - 6:57 pm
Next Shabbat: Kiddush Lunchish sponsored by the Kranzberg family in memory of Vivian Kranzberg z"l
Bais Abe Community News
Bais Abe's emails are being sent from a new source and have a slightly different look! Please let Ruth know if there are any issues or questions, and thank you for your patience as we work through any challenges.
Bais Abe Minyanim We need your help to strengthen Bais Abe's minyanim. For information on Friday night services, please be in touch with Greg Storch. For Monday and Thursday Shacharit minyanim (and to be added to a minyan WhatsApp group), please be in touch with Alan Nemes.
And join us this Sunday for Shacharit at 8am followed by Rabbi Finkelstein's new class, "Jewish History Through Its Great Religious Leaders." See more below in upcoming events!
This Sunday, September 8 at 10am we will be helping to get some things to the curb for UCity bulk trash pick up. This won't take too long but we do need the helping hands! Save the date for Sukkah building on Sunday, October 13!
Update Your Info in the Bais Abe Directory Did you know that Bais Abe members have access to an online shul directory? View and edit your listing by singing in to your Bais Abe account; directions can be found here. After you log in, you can click on "My Account" and view and/or edit your directory entry. You can also upload a photo so that everyone can put faces with names. This will also help Rabbi Finkelstein as he gets to know everyone! Please be in touch with Ruth if you have any questions about logging in to your account and making updates.
Sign Up for Coffee with Rabbi Finkelstein! Meet with Rabbi Finkelstein one-on-one, to introduce yourself and to share with him any thoughts about the shul, Judaism, or just about anything. Meetings can occur in the shul, at a local coffee shop, or even on Zoom. Sign up for a meeting here. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out at
Sign Up for Psalm of the Day WhatsApp Group In the aftermath of the attacks on October 7th, Rabbi Finkelstein started a Psalm of the Day WhatsApp group for his shul in Baltimore, so that people could find a time during the day to focus our minds and hearts into meaningful prayer through the Book of Psalms. The Whatsapp Group just began its third cycle of Psalms, so if you would like to join this group and learn more about the Book of Psalms, please joinhere.
Bais Abe Stands With Israel We are brokenhearted and devastated over current events in Israel. We stand with our brothers and sisters during these unprecedented times. We have created a page of some resources on our website. The Jewish Federation of St. Louis also has a comprehensive resource page here.
Please refrain from wearing perfume/cologne in the synagogue because some of our members are highly allergic. If you inadvertently arrive at the shul wearing any scents, please wash them off. Thank you.
Please be sure to close any windows you open before you leave the building.
Join Connect Bais Abe to get the most up-to-date news from Bais Abe and your fellow Bais Abers. To join the conversation, just send an email to
Bais Abe Upcoming Events Click on the images below to learn more and register!
Jewish History Through Its Great Religious Leaders Starting Sunday, September 8 at 9:15AM - in person and on Zoom
Every Sunday morning, join Rabbi Finkelstein as we journey through the great Done religious leaders of Jewish History, and look at how history shaped them, and was shaped by them. We will be learning in installments of four weeks for each figure. Find out more here.
Halachah with Chacham Ovadya Yosef Starting Thursday, September 12 at 7:00PM - in person and on Zoom
Every Thursday night, join Rabbi Finkelstein as we learn halacha, Jewish law, by following the framework as set up by Rav Ovadya Yosef in his work of responsa, Yabia Omer. Find out more here.
Join Bais Abe at Sababa! Volunteer for a shift at our table here , and click on the image below to learn more about Sababa more broadlyl!
Women's Reading Group It is not too late to join Bais Abe's women's reading group! We are reading " The Madwoman in the Rabbi's Attic" by Gila Fine. The reading group meets on Wednesday mornings from 9:30 am-11:00 am at a private residence. Please sign up on the website, or be in touch with Ruth for more information.
L’Dovid, Hashem Ori Veyishi (A Song of David, God is my Light and Salvation) From the beginning of the month of Elul (this week, on Wednesday) until the end of the holiday of Sukkot, the custom is to say L’Dovid Hashem Ori Veyishi, Psalm 27, at the end part of our davening. Vayikra Rabba, a midrash to the book of Vayikra (Leviticus), explains that Ori (my light) refers to Rosh Hashana and Yishi (my salvation) refers to Yom Kippur. A reference to Sukkot appears in the Psalm as well, in the phrase, “ki yitzpineinu B’Succo” (when He will hide me in his shelter). There are different customs as to when to say the Psalm. Most say it twice a day. All agree it should be said in Shacharit. The minhag Ashkenaz in to then say it in Ma’ariv, while the Sfardic custom that is followed at Bais Abraham is to say it for the second time in Mincha.
Jack Shapiro
St. Louis Jewish Community News and Messages
The Harvey Kornblum Jewish Food Pantry Needs Our Help Please help the Harvey Kornblum Jewish Food Pantry by donating money or donating food. Below are some suggestions for food items the pantry needs: canned beef stew and canned chicken; peanut butter & jelly; dry spaghetti and spaghetti sauces; Kosher non-perishable foods; hot and cold cereals (please avoid sugary cereals); canned vegetables (e.g. corn, green beans, peas, carrots); healthy snacks; and personal care items such as Kleenex, Diapers, and Hand Lotion. Currently, the need is great so please help in any way you can. Thank you. For further information, please contact Louise Levine, 314 368 5902.
Aprons for Sale Bais Abe's dear friend, Berta Goldgaber has a number of aprons available for purchase. She has generously offered to donate a percentage of each sale to Bais Abe. The deli apron is $28 and the other aprons are each $20. For more information and for pictures, email Berta at Berta
Free Materials - Including High Holy Day Prayer Books - For Anyone Who is Blind or Has Low Vision JBI can help you or a loved one who is blind or visually impaired celebrate the Jewish holidays with FREE Machzorim, Selichot, Taschlich prayers, Yizkor prayers, a 16-month holiday calendar, and much more, all in accessible formats. If you or someone you know needs large print, braille, or audio High Holy Day materials, please visit JBI’s website or call our librarians at 212-545-8025. JBI asks that requests for items from its collection, such as accessible liturgical texts (Selichot and Yizkor prayers, Machzorim) and reference materials be made by September 12 to arrive by Rosh Hashanah. Founded in 1931 as The Jewish Braille Institute, JBI provides people of all ages who are blind, have low vision, are print disabled, or are physically unable to hold a book, access to texts vital to Jewish culture, heritage, education, religious life, and community. JBI delivers, free of charge, a wide variety of Jewish-interest materials in large print, audio, and braille, directly to our patrons’ doorsteps.
MIKVAH CAMPAIGN The mikvah is in significant need of funds and must raise at least $75,000 to cover urgent repair expenses. We are currently a third of the way to our goal. Please consider a tax-deductible donation to help sustain our mikvaot. Online at or send a check payable to Taharath Israel of St. Louis, 4 Millstone Campus Drive, 63146.
STEAM Studio at Mirowitz - Sunday, September 15, 9:30am-11:00am You and your young adventurer (ages 3-5) are invited to take a dive with us into a morning of deep sea STEAM! Together, you’ll float through stations that activate your child’s critical thinking skills and creativity. The program will be on Sunday, September 15 from 9:30am-11:00am at Saul Mirowitz Jewish Community School 348 South Mason Road (at the corner of Mason and Conway roads). For more info and to RSVP, visit the website or email: Abbi at underwater explorer kit to the first 50 families to RSVP.
Bais Abraham Congregation Office Hours: 6910 Delmar Blvd. Monday-Thursday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm University City, MO 63130 Friday: Closed Phone: 314.721.3030 Email: